Acrylic on canvas
8" x 10"
I think a lot of young ladies have had their first date butterflies instantly turn into a stomache ache as they took a peek through the slit in the curtains and saw this. I wonder how many of them went on to marry the guy.
Private collection
where can I buy your origianl art. I saw a piece on art .com but I want to buy an original if possible OMG your work is gorgeous!
Where can I buy your art?
Hi Monica,
Thanks for the kind words.
You can buy my art directly from me at the moment.
I don’t currently have gallery representation but that also means I don’t currently have to pay gallery commissions.
E-mail me with questions about any piece that is available and I’ll do my best to help you take the plunge.
I can accept credit card, PayPal, or a personal check.
Thanks for your interest!
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